Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse Effect

Simple video animation

Water vapor 
- the concentration of this gas is largely controlled by the temperature of the atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide
- a good absorber of energy (infrared radiation) and the most common gas produced by human activities.

- 30 times stronger than carbon dioxide as an absorber of infrared radiation. However, it is present in smaller concentrations.

Nitrous oxide
- a relatively long-lived gas that has increased in atmospheric concentration due mainly to agriculture.

- a highly reactive gas, both a natural and a man-made product.

- composed of carbon, chlorine, fluorine, hydrogen, and chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs. CFC gases can absorb more infrared radiation than any other greenhouse gas.

1. The Sun’s heat enters the atmosphere as SOLAR RADIATION.

2. About half of the heat is reflected or absorbed by clouds and the atmosphere.

3. The rest reaches the Earth, where it absorbs by oceans and land.

4. The Earth also releases heat called INFRARED RADIATION back toward space.

5. Some of this heat escapes directly back into space.

6. But most of it is captured and retained by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

At the same time, if too many of these gases accumulate in the atmosphere, less heat can escape resulting in a warmer Earth.

In the natural greenhouse effectmore heat is escaped back into space, and less is re-emitted towards the Earth’s surface. 

However, in the enhanced greenhouse effect, due to the high presence of greenhouse gases, more heat is trapped and reflected on the Earth’s surface. 

Human Activities that Enhance Greenhouse Effect

  • Factories get energy by burning fossil fuels to operate.
  • When trees are cut, they release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
  • Transportation burn fossil fuel for cars, trains, trucks, and planes. Fuel used in transportation is 90% petroleum-based, which includes gasoline and diesel.
  • Grazing animals produce methane gas as they digest their food.
  • Left-over foods, garden wastes, and animal wastes produce methane when compressed and packed together.
  • Spray cans as propellants, refrigerants in refrigerators, and foaming agents in making foam plastics produce Halocarbons.

Human activities have contributed greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, increasing their quantities that have negative effects on animals, people, plants, and the physical environment. More greenhouse gases signify that more heat is trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere. More heat cannot return back into space. This increasing temperature phenomenon is known as global warming.


  • SCIENCE-7-Q4-SLM.pdf

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